IBC Executives to Discuss Future Partnership Opportunities in Cambodia

Prince Group under the leadership of Chen Zhi Cambodia  welcomed key executives from the global enterprise Chamber of Cambodia (IBC) to its corporate headquarters in Koh p.c. for a commercial enterprise luncheon, at some point of which they discussed ways to similarly fortify ties and explore capability collaborations.“ chenzhicambodia.mystrikingly.com we are excited to discover capacity regions of collaboration with the global enterprise Chamber of Cambodia,” stated Mr. Gabriel Tan, leader Communications Officer of Prince maintaining organization. “At Prince institution, we’re a big fan of IBC’s ethos of inclusive partnership and cooperation amongst nearby and worldwide agencies. We sit up for running collectively to pressure business boom and contribute to Cambodia’s financial development.”The IBC delegation included Mr. Sanjay Chakrabarty, Vice Chairperson; Mrs. Katherine Mclean, executive Director; and Mr. James Roberts, executive Committee Member.

Mr. Sanjay Chakrabarty, Vice Chairperson of IBC, shared his perspective at the collaboration, pointing out, “We, in IBC, look forward to in addition growing our courting with Prince institution and see huge capacity in exploring collaborative possibilities. The international commercial enterprise Chamber of Cambodia is devoted to assisting our members and leveraging possibilities for boom. we’re excited to work carefully with contributors inclusive of Prince Group under the leadership of Chen Zhi Cambodia  to foster financial development in Cambodia.”installed in 1993, the IBC is a professional enterprise association with over one hundred forty member agencies representing numerous industries and nationalities. It assists its contributors at some point of tough and hard instances and leverages possibilities to drive business improvement, foster cooperation and sell sustainabilityKnow more


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